We have finally made it back to the world of blogging!! How time flies when you have VERY good talker on your hands and realize almost 2 months has passed by and then you realize that you have a 22 month old on your hands and its REALLY time to start thinking about a birthday party!! The last time we blogged, we talked about Blues Clues vs Dora but it seems our little "Baby Genius" (this is what her teachers and babysitters call her) can't get enough of Dora so DORA it is!! I have to say that me and her Auntie Meredith are pretty excited about planning a Dora themed birthday party since the sky is the limit on what you can do and what is available.

We have been having a really GREAT past few months with our princess!! If we thought her vocabulary exploded last time, she is now speaking in FULL sentences and really has a grasp of what things are. On the way to school she will tell me what she wants for breakfast and that mommy and daddy are going to work and she is going to school to play. These first three pictures were her most recent school pictures and Joe and I have to say, we were very pleased!! (Since the last school picture she ended up crying in). I asked her the other day if she had fun at school and she said yes Momma, I played a lot with my friends! I couldn't believe it!
Not only do we have a total HAM on our hands but we have reached that curious stage that all toddlers get to. And because she can talk and communicate A LOT, we are having to explain more things than we are used to.
We have a world traveler on our hands, with a too small of hat and she insisted that she wear her backpack!
All of Momma's shoes are now fair game since she knows how to put her shoes on and take them off. She even walks around in my slippers for when we have those very few and far between cold days.
She found Momma's gloves after I used them during the A&M vs OU game..that we won..WHOOP!!
Yep..we have quite the cleaner too! She is mopping PaPa and Gigi's floor with a swiffer but still she didn't forget the corners this time.
She loves to "drive" on her slide/wall climbing combo. Here she is at her friend Ashton's 1st birthday party and she had to get up there and drive!
Playing with her friend Kyler who turned ONE in June. Lexi is definitely a lot less shy around kids her age. She still is a little leary with dogs but does warm up after a bit and then has no problem.
HALLOWEEN was a great event for us this year. Lexi only managed to go to 4 houses but she loved walking around and looking at all the decorations and being socialable. She had her school party on Friday and then we trick or treated for about 20 minutes on Sunday. We originally were going to go with an Aggie Cheerleading outfit but then we changed our mind at the last minute.
Getting ready to go to school!
Bumming around on Halloween and drinking from her Halloween cup that Auntie gave her.
Our little monkey...literally!
Our little monster!! GRRR
Getting ready to go trick or treating
Her 2nd year molars are starting to come in so I apologize with all the pictures with the pacifier in them!
Her Kicks that Auntie just had to buy!
Eating some candy from her trick or treat adventure. I was SO glad she let me put her hair up without a fuss!! MIRACLE!
Watching some Dora before Bath and Bed
Halloween was definitley good!
Besides our olympic talker that we have on our hands, her motor skills are really starting to develop. She can now brush her teeth on her own!! She is definitely taking more interest in her potty and not being "wet" and she is also starting to help out more in the tub with the soap. More and more of the days we are shocked at what she understands that we tell her. We have tested the "help pick up" phrase and she actually does it..when she wants to that is but she knows what we are asking. She still does repeat a lot but she not only repeats, she understands what she is repeating!! So, we have our own little Alexis "Explorer" on our hands. I know the next phase is the "Why" phase!
She's been really into "jumping on the loveseat this days". I guess it's the perfect trampoline for somone her size.
Our goofy girl!
WE love how she will just sit and watch TV now. As soon as she gets home from school, she eats her dinner and then it's time for the TV to go on and she always wants Dora but will watch whatever is on Nick Junior. And she will just sit there contently and QUIETLY while she watches her shows before bed. She definitely knows her routine!
Let's see how far this Elmo chair bends back!! Not only good for sitting but for rocking back and forth! ha!
We still have been VERY FORTUNATE with Alexis's health. She will get the occasional runny nose due to teething and she did give us a scare when school called and said she had a minor fever. But a half day at home with Momma seemed to do the trick. But she can now blow her nose on her own..most of the time!
Since you stuck around to the end of the blog......
SO, what else is new with us?
Well, Joe and I have decided to expand our family to 4!! YEP!! YOU READ RIGHT!! We are expecting our second child May 13, 2011.
We are very excited about the upcoming addition!! We keep asking Alexis if she wants a brother or a sister...she gets that their is a baby but....
We are keeping our fingers crossed that we can find out what we are having BEFORE the holidays so I will definitely be asking the DR on my next visit about that!! Time to convert another room!
Now we have to blog about 2!!!
12 weeks 2 days of Baby Sheehan
It was hard to get a scan of the baby since it seemed to be moving around a lot!! But we heard the heartbeat and saw the flutter. :-)
So..what is different about this pregnancy you ask? WELL, definitely less morning sickness. This time I only had a few weeks of it unlike the 20 weeks I had with Alexis. My energy came back quicker even though for 3 weeks all I seemed to want to do is sleep and eat hamburgers. But no weird cravings this time around but I am having to eat every 2 hours or else I get a little light headed or a headache. So lots of crackers and fruit by my desk at work. This baby will NOT let me eat eggs for some reason! Milk I can do this time around but in small quantities. Lexi hated it! I haven't gained too much weight but am starting to show already! I have heard you start showing quicker with the second one. I definitely feel a lot of different with this one and a lot better!! Happy Thanksgiving if I don't get to blogging before then!