Playing outside
Ever since she started walking a week after her first birthday, she has been going nonstop and even has lost a little weight and grown some since then. But she not only walks, but jumps and RUNS!!! This always makes it fun when trying to change her diaper or just trying to catch her since she takes off when we least expect it.
Standing on her car
Standing on her Elmo Chair
Playing with Daddy
Reading to herself
On her Rocking Horse
We have been bottle free for about 6 weeks now and she drinks her water, juice or milk only from a cup and eats like there's no tomorrow with all kinds of adult food. Alexis has been teething quite a bit lately since 2 of her back teeth have decided to show up already!!! So, she has 6 on top and 5 teeth on bottom and several other white peaks on the rise. Needless to say, she is very "drooley" right now!!! Her vocabulary has definitely stepped it up a notch and she understands pretty much all that we say. It's incredible when we go and tell her to get something and she goes and finds where she left it and brings it to us!! I couldn't believe it! But it is getting easier and easier to communicate with her since she knows "yes or no" and can point to the things she wants or even shows us. She surprises us daily with her development skills with being able to turn her toys "on", matching shapes to the correct spot, or just turning toys around so they fit into where she wants them to go. She loves to read or to be read to as you can see in the pictures. It's been great with the warmer weather to be able to take her outside and play and not be cooped up inside all the time. She loves to go "bye-bye" so she can be "ouside".
Climbing on Everything!
Trying to get behind the table
My Abominal Snowman
Getting ready to go to school
Western Day at school
Elmo overalls!!!
We went out to eat and she got ahold of the sugar packets...ALL OF THEM!!
I just coulnd't resist taking this picture!
She finally has enough hair for Pigtails!!
Her new table at Grandpy and Grammy's house
Playing with Grandpy
Another look of "one" pigtail for her
Walking with Daddy
Sitting in the big chair outside
We had to wear some sun protection!
And of course we had to stand up in the chair
Daddy was gone the last week of February on a business trip to Germany and wouldn't you know...Alexis got sick!! Pink Eye was running around her school and of course she caught it and got a minor double ear infection to go along with it!! I just couldn't believe it!! I was so grateful that her school called me on Wednesday to let me know her right eye was getting a bit irritated so I made her a DR appt for first thing Thursday morning. She stayed home that day but was back at school on Friday. I'm glad we caught it early!! So, we are on eye-drops(which every 14 month old loves!) for 5 days and an antibiotic for 10 days. Other than moves very fast with our little one on the go. School just loves her since she is so smiley, good natured, and very loud(like her momma). She did get bit by another kid at school because they both wanted the same toy. Evidently, Alexis let him have the toy but he still bit her!! GRRR!!! Those parents definitely got talked to since they have a very LOW tolerance for biting children. After the shock of being bit, Alexis went back to her business of playing.
The bite she got from a boy at school
We go back to the DR for our 15 MONTH check up next month!! I can't believe it!! I will try not to take so long to post next time. Life is crazy but lots of fun!!!