We are happy to report we transitioned into a BIG GIRL BED with absolutely no problems!!! Lucky for us Alexis was not attached to her crib and welcomed the newness of her room. We have a very good sleeper so she doesn't get out of bed at night and will sometimes get out in the morning and come and will either meet us in the living room or our bedroom but for the most part when she wakes up, she just likes to chill out in bed until we come and get her..during the week that is since she knows she has to get ready for school. The weekends she is ready to get up and play in her PJ's.
Sharing her bed with Papa
Her BIG GIRL dresser
She's not quite tall enough to get in her bed on her own..one more growth spurt should do it but in the meantime, she is having fun climbing these pet stairs we found online. We were a little hesitant to buy a "pet" stair for her but she absolutely loves it! We did have a little mishap with her falling out of the bed one night. As you can see the bedrails do not "block" an opening between the rail and the head board. Her little 27 pound body managed to scoot itself through that hole during the night. Luckily Daddy was in the guest bedroom (since mommy snores A LOT while pregnant) to come to the rescue when she hollered at us. She also transitioned nicely with her naps...no new routine needed! She takes her 2 hour naps in her bed just fine as well. Now, I wish potty training were this easy!
Playing ball with Daddy in between bouncing
We need shorts for a Toddler with no butt!
Now that she can put her shoes on and take them off, it's easier for her to bounce between toys/activities in the backyard. But then again, it does help when mommy buys a TON of new shoes that are slip ons from Walmart. Gotta love WalleyWorld. And we are so grateful for the warmer weather!
Dancing with Daddy to her Dora doll that sings the "We Did it" song. She can play it at least 5-10 times and dance to it.
This was hilarious to see!! Daddy had not finished reading the paper from the morning and so he tried to finish reading it at night when our princess came home from school. She purposely went over to his newspaper stack, got a stack of her own and went back to her chair to "read" the paper. Gotta love how she's mimicking Daddy in the background. HILARIOUS!!
Time to turn the page!
Already sitting at the adult table and "playing" dominoes while we play..lining them up!
She couldn't wait to test out her little brother's swing after Daddy put it together.
SOOOOOOOO, Mommy and Little J had an appointment on Wednesday, March 23rd. Daddy was not present since he had to be gone for a week on a work trip to Brazil. But, Mommy got to see John James since it was time for an ultrasound and our little man is still a little man!! I've had so many friends been told the wrong gender, I had to ask again to confirm. We are growing how we should FOR NOW but given my history of not growing big babies, my DR will be taking pics of our little man in another month. Right now he is weighing in at about 4 pounds. So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed really tight that he gains weight in the next 4 weeks. He definitely has a kick to him!! His head is sitting on my right hip and I have some feet up by my right ribs according to the ultrasound. My DR does not think I will go full term either which I am so happy to hear since I am so WAY OUT THERE and HUGE!! But my blood pressure and weight are still good. :-)
32 weeks, 5 days
-the first picture is of his face. He's looking right at us!
Here are some pictures of the nursery..the walls are still too bare for me but for the most part we are done! We really just need a baby and some newborn diapers! Joe went up in the attic and got all of the infant seats for the car, the swing, and all the baby clothes from Lexi so I could sort through them to see if I could keep anything. I found more than I thought to keep! It saddened me to donate Lexi's clothes but I was ready to organize!! I guess I am nesting in a way?
We went with another animal theme for the nursery since none of the sport themes really impressed us. Yep..that is Alexis's old crib!
And her old changing table....we did put new carpet in and Joe painted the walls. That is the only way I can get a room painted is if we are having a baby! But that doesn't mean I will keep having kids to get rooms painted!! DONE DONE!!
And Lexi's rocker and infant chair and her swing...gotta love the "hand me downs"
And her dresser...and my Target lamp!
His closet really needs some work. One of my really good friends is throwing me a "sprinkle" shower on April 9th in which I hope to stock his closet with some of my gifts since we are in major need of CUTE boy clothes. You can only register for so many outfits!!
I will be back in a month when I have gifts to show, pictures to show of our little man and an accurate update on when to expect the arrival of John James!
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