He did not stay here long!! Just thought it was picture worthy. Our furniture was moved since we were getting some painting done in our house.
He has to be doing something or close to you, hanging out. BUSY BODY!!
Playing a game with Daddy...
Listening to Daddy while he reads to Alexis
Our legs have become handles
And so has the furniture!!
Watching sister eat....and then when she didn't pay attention to him...
He checked out under the table
The window behind her...
And finally took a break!! He's like a SUPERCRAWLER!! He will crawl all over the house and then we have to go on the "John hunt" where we find him sometimes is....
Found him in the pantry....just EVERYWHERE!! If there is a cord, he will find it, the lamps, your shoelaces, electrical..anything! Anything that is on the couch, he can pull off now, he has found the tupperware cabinet, and while we are running the water for the bathtub, he will crawl over to the tub and stand up and start banging on the edge of the tub with both hands and also try to lean over and splash the water. The tub has become quite the adventure in trying to bathe him since he loves to crawl/stand/splash. I have to be quick!
He just learned how to clap a week ago and has also been waving. :-)
So........what's new with Little Man besides him being into everything and everywhere....his ears are(were) a mess!! Ever since his 4 month shots, he has been battling double ear infection after double ear infection. So, after 7 double ear infections over the course of 5 months, we gave in and agreed to tubes and they also removed his adenoids.
Now, many parents have been through "tubes" and its never a problem and we were told it's a "breeze" BUT when you add the Adenoid removal, it's a whole other ballgame in regards to recovery time and side effects that are short lived but intense at the time. His surgery went very well and his ENT Dr was just amazed at how much "stuff" he had in his ears and nose. We did do a hearing test before agreeing to tubes and because he had so much fluid in his ears, he had temporary hearing loss. Not my little prince!!! So, after a 30 minute surgery, it took Joe and I about an hour to calm him down since he was in pain, hungry(he couldn't eat before his 8:45am surgery), and tired. We checked in at the hospital at 6:30am and were released at 1:30pm. Because there is so much swelling after adenoid removal, it was hard for him to breathe so we had to monitor his oxygen levels for awhile once he settled down, drank a few bottles and took a few naps. They even had to give him a second dose of pain meds! We are almost a week out after the surgery and we are definitely seeing the improvements with his nose/ears and eyes. He's breathing better, way less mucous(still a little since he's getting more teeth, never a break for our guy), doesn't snore as much, sleeps with his mouth closed and his appetite is finally coming back since he was up to 3 sqaure meals a day and 4 bottles before the surgery. But our happy guy is finally coming back, more smiles and more energy and he's louder!! I guess because he can finally hear now.
Our Big Time 3 year old has been a blessing ever since we met her 3 years ago. She's got so much character and energy, she's funny(her big thing lately is knock knock jokes), loves to play, explore, pretend, sing(a lot) and of course ask questions. Since she started Pre-School, she has gotten a little sassier and opinionated but she's got a tough crowd in her class, meaning other bossy 3 year olds so survival of the fittest right?!! But all in all, she really is an easy kid and is your "typical" 3 year old with lots to say and curious about everything. She's starting to put letters together to figure out words when we read and recognizes punctuation like the question mark.
She loves to play dress up with the "trunk" she got from Aunt Julia for her birthday.
She loves to be a HAM for the camera and off camera. Not sure where she got that from ;-)
She's been VERY good with the arrival of her brother in terms of being patient when we are busy and helping us with something if we need to with all the challenges with his ear "issues". It took her some time, but she finally realizes that she needs to share her toys and it's not the end of the world if John plays with one of her toys. We try to keep his out and hers up where he can't get them but lately that has been a challenge since he has a pretty good reach!! But she REALLY is a good big sister. The other day, John was trying to use a piece of furniture to stand up and he got stuck so Alexis went over and helped him up. It was so cute, I thought I might tear up!
What she is NOT thrilled about is that when she is on the couch watching TV after dinner, John is right there standing up, "talking" to her and wanting to touch her "cuddlies" like her bunny, blanket and bear, who are the 3 items she ALWAYS goes to bed with or has close to her. We keep telling her to always be watching out for John since the other day she left her fruit loops snack and milk on a side table and he got to it. She just sighed with frustration.
Well, if you have made it to the end of this blog, THERE IS STILL MORE EXCITING NEWS(and no I'm not pregnant!)!! Yes, not only have the kids been busy, but mommy and daddy have been busy designing OUR NEW HOME!!! Yep!! That's right..after almost 11 years in the same house, we decided to move! Our new house is a new construction so we are building and designing it from the ground up.
Here we are on our lot that we finally got! We had the area and floorplan picked out right away...the hold up was the lot since we do want to put a pool in 5-6 years down the road. Patience is a virtue and we got our bigger lot.
Joe and I are SUPER EXCITED about this new house that we get to design ourselves but of course that means getting our decade old house in shape for the market in which we have been doing for the last month. It goes on the market next Friday!!! We have met some of our neighbors already and some of our friends and their families already live in the area so really exciting times! Several kids that are the same age as Alexis live on our street so she will have plenty of classmates in our area (and they are building a new elementary in our neighborhood that Alexis will go to!) Our new house will be ready in July!! Just in time to enjoy all the summer activities in our new neighborhood. So..what happens if we sell the house(in which we hope we do quickly since our realtor is a shark), before our house is ready? We move in with my parents!!! They are so excited if we have too...so only time will tell how many moves we will have to do.
That definitely deserves a clap!!
Happy March since I will most likely be back in April since our March is ONE CRAZY MONTH!! Never a dull moment for March 2012 with all the baby showers, wedding showers, birthday parties, house designing, and the list goes on and on!! I will be ready to be UNBUSY by the time we get settled into our house but then it will be football season and then the holidays....NEVER A DULL MOMENT!!
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